USAA cheated catastrophically injured Army Sergeant Major Jeremy Bruns, with more than 20 years of service and 9 deployments, and his wife Jenny, out of policy proceeds by insisting that a variety of USAA employees didn’t understand the words “bodily injury claim,” when for 32 months USAA insisted that $30,000 was the total “policy limits” available to us when we know it’s $120,000, with our actual damages in the millions of dollars. USAA says that they don’t owe us a duty of Good Faith and Fair Dealing. The Bryants cheated us of body parts, careers, time, certain freedoms and happiness, and so much more. The Superior Court and State Officials cheated us of Justice and trampled on our Civil Rights, and their absurd assertion that DWI is not DWI to let a felon out of prison prematurely has no legitimate purpose toward Public Safety and Welfare. The conduct by these entities has been outrageous, and we need your help, please!
Please sign our petition at and share our story – we need 100,000
signatures in 30 days. To ensure Justice while testing the efficacy of social
platforms, we created a similar Petition at
We The
People ask the Administration for U.S. Attorney General Loretta E. Lynch to be
a Friend of the North Carolina Supreme Court in Case No. 282P16 supporting
retired Sergeant Major Jeremy Bruns and wife Jenny in our Petition For
Discretionary Review and Mandamus:
To Order Governor McCrory to return Rhonda
Bryant to prison to complete her minimum sentence for which she was convicted: DWI
with serious injury because she made Jeremy a triple amputee. Officials may not
unjustly give her a ‘Get Out of Jail Free’ card by absurdly asserting that her DWI
was not a DWI, thus the State unreasonably, immorally, and unconstitutionally disturbed
a convicted felon’s sentence without a legitimate purpose and against Public
Welfare. In all of U.S. History, when government officials realize they’ve
mistakenly released prisoners too early, they are obliged to hunt them down to
serve the remainder of their sentences, as Justice had already Ordered their
convictions. North Carolina Officials shall not be granted unchecked, unreasonable,
and arbitrary Pardon power., especially not for criminals who don’t deserve
For USAA to be held accountable for its Bad Faith
actions toward us, the intended beneficiaries, for refusing to pay the proceeds
owed under the automobile insurance policies at issue for Bystander and
Negligent Entrustment claims. USAA employed unfair and deceptive acts and
practices affecting commerce in violation of the Federal Trade Commission Act
15 U.S. Code § 45, as well as North Carolina General Statutes, in its refusal
to do business with us, and its omissions, misrepresentations, and vexatious
tactics intended to harm consumers and in fact injured us. USAA cited invalid
law, ignored facts, and lied about facts.
For Sanctions against the Superior Court Judge and
Attorneys for violating the public’s substantial rights and interests, for defeating
the due course of justice by disregarding Law and Ethics, Codes of Conduct, and
Canons that they’re sworn to uphold, where the judge failed to properly disqualify
himself, blocked our direct claims with USAA while refusing to ascertain our
status and rights, and violated our Equal Protection and Due Process rights,
along with the Governor and Attorney General, and quashed our rights to
petition the government and seek redress at the basic levels.
Finally, separately yet connected, we seek the
Attorney General’s help to petition the U.S. Supreme Court to repeal Rule 28.8,
disallowing pro se plaintiffs from arguing before the Court, because it sends a
pernicious message reinforcing current attitudes, which have so far
disenfranchised us from obtaining Justice in North Carolina, i.e., pro se litigants
don’t have the right to be heard in Court without hiring a lawyer, otherwise
they are automatically ruled against as a class of people, which is an unconstitutional
position pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1654. Pro se is a matter of Right, and a party
shall be permitted access to the Courts to personally plead if a case merits
acceptance and argument before the Court.
Visit for backstory and for our Petition for Discretionary
Review and Writ of Mandamus filed with the North Carolina Supreme Court.
We are alone in this legal battle and need all types of
friends. Here are some things that you can do to help achieve Justice and hold
the State accountable…we’re also taking suggestions and welcome any and all
forms of help:
Please sign our petition at to ask the U.S. Attorney General to be our
friend, an Amicus, of the North Carolina Supreme Court.
Please also sign
Please make public and share our story and the
graphics that you think are most effective to convey our message of injustice
and gather signatures.
Please contact any media and ask them to cast
sunshine on our case.
Can you become our Amicus and/or refer someone
you know who can be an Amicus on our behalf?
Write to the Justices of the North Carolina Supreme
Court directly and tell them that you’re upset about the issues in our case and
insist on Justice for the Public Good:
Supreme Court of North Carolina
Clerk’s Office
Re: Case No. 282P16
P.O. Box 2170
Raleigh, NC 27602-2170
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